Sunday, December 1, 2013

Slugs and Snails and the Sanctity of Life

Slugs and Snails and the Sanctity of Life -  Tullulah's Teachings

 Oh dear, after such a good start (see previous post transformation and tomatoes! ) I’m in Tullulah’s bad books.  She had been quietly chuffed that she had been a source of inspiration not only to me but countless others, thanks to my new Peace and Lovage blog. However, when we were ordering supplies for the allotment and I included slug pellets , she became inflamed to an even brighter red and asked me angrily whether I thought the sanctity of life – the basis of Buddhist teachings-  applied to some sentient beings and not others.  

Well, I had to admit that I’d felt a bit guilty in the past for using pellets, knowing that it’s not only the slugs and snails that are killed but that the food chain is affected too - and, therefore, birds and hedgehogs.  But I reasoned, I didn’t use that many really, surely the few I used wouldn’t make a big difference.

 Tullulah soon disillusioned me of this deluded notion, explaining that in life there exists an invisible and delicate thread of life which connects us with everything and everything with everything else.   She informed  me that our hedgehogs have been decimated over recent years, from 36 million in the 1950s to less than a million today.  “How terrible”, I cried, “I shall never use slug pellets again.  I love hedgehogs so much. “ 

 She pointed out archly, that this was an opportunity to put into practice my understanding of the transformation process that I had written about only a month ago and that I could transform this particular poison into medicine (both literally and metaphorically) by financially supporting the Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital.

Well, of course, I was overjoyed to think I could make amends and make a positive contribution and I vowed to send £40 which pleased her and me.  So, I thought I was doing well for one day, but Tullulah hadn’t finished with me and asked me something about the workings of life – just when I was getting ready to go out to a gig!  When I said I hadn’t spent a lot of time on the matter, she suggested I read an extract from ‘Life an Enigma, a Precious Jewel’ by Daisaku Ikeda. I scribbled a note in my diary to do both tasks in the week : 


Did I do them, you may ask?   I’m pleased to say, YES (although I only sent £30 to Tiggywinkles Hospital as I just had to have the red and black coat I’d seen which was £10. It was in the Heart Foundation Charity shop, though, so thought it’d be ok).  And as for the extract, wow, I was blown away by it and want to share it with you on Tulullah’s behalf.   It’s amazing and poetic.

 “Life is photosynthesis-that marvellous process whereby plants absorb the energy of the sun and use it to transform water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and organic compounds. Life is the nitrogen cycle – microscopic parasites drawing their energy from the roots of plants, fixing atmospheric nitrogen, and converting it into nourishing compounds.  Life is the blossoming of flowers in the spring, the ripening of fruit in the fall, the rhythm of the earth and of nature.  Life is the cry of cicadas, signalling the end of summer, migratory birds swinging south in a transparent autumn sky, fish frolicking in a stream. Life is the joy beautiful music instills in us, the thrilling sight of a mountain peak reddened by the rising sun, the myriad combinations and permutations of visible and invisible phenomena.  Life is all things.”  -   Daisaku Ikeda ‘Life An Enigma, a Precious Jewel’.

Must dash and pack, I’m off to Edinburgh for two weeks, so I’ll be in touch on my return.  Tc and in the meantime,
keeeeeep chanting,  Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,   Poppy.